Application Programming Interfaces or APIs are the standard method of integrating and sharing data between online services. C4T provides several APIs that enable your system to interact with CAS in an automatic way. The Authorization API provides you with an authorization token that allows your system to communicate securely with ours. You’ll then use the Ingest API to upload a customs shipment containing a limited set of data in order to create the customs declaration. We also have a Notification and a Declaration API, and since sharing data with colleagues, business partners, and across departments is extremely important, we have been augmenting their functionality to better serve our clients.
Notification API
The purpose of the Notification API is to deliver status updates from declarations immediately to the client source system. Some clients have internal dashboards and this information can be fed to those dashboards. Notifications of events related to the declaration process are pushed to external systems that are subscribed to the service. Notifications contain limited, non-sensitive data which is secured via https protocols, and alert you and your business partners about events such as:
Declaration API
The purpose of the Declaration API is to get business-critical data back into the client source system(s). This could include feeding data into your data warehouse, providing specific data such as MRN and duty information for internal reporting, and delivering PDFs of EADs and TSADs for printing. The Declaration API uses pull messages to transfer information back into your source system. Since these messages include a full data set of the released declaration including details regarding self-assessed or return duty tax fees, security was key during the design of this API.
In addition, the Notification and Declaration APIs can be linked to each other. The events of the Notification API contain URL links that can be used to request declaration data or PDFs via the Declaration API.
Gain visibility into your declarations with CAS!