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Blogs | 29 October 2020

What E-Globalisation Means for Belgian Companies | Blog | C4T

Globalisation has been a hot topic in Belgium the last couple of years and customs authorities are now ready to take it to the next level with the so-called e-globalisation. E-globalisation is the practice of electronically consolidating customs declarations on a weekly or monthly basis rather than sending every declaration per transaction.

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How does it work?

E-globalisation will allow AEO-compliant companies to use Entry in Declarants Records (EiDR) with an electronic supplementary declaration that refers to one or more EIDRs up to 999 items. These supplementary declarations have to be sent during the globalisation period (week/month).  The process for e-globalisation will consist of an initial message, sub(sequent) declaration messages and a final message. The initial message triggers the process of globalisation for a given period; the sub(sequent) declaration messages allow the submission of item master data and the final consolidated message is being sent to customs at the end of the globalisation period to end the globalisation period. E-globalisation, the new way of working, imposes companies to provide the Belgian customs authorities with the full declaration data set including item master data, just like a standard declaration, in an electronic manner (using XML messages). While e-globalisation allows for the option to send your data to customs authorities on a monthly basis, the authorities recommend sending in data more frequently, followed by a final message. As the number of items on the e-globalisation declaration is limited to 999, multiple declarations may need to be sent.

Find out everything you need to know about e-globalisation. Download our free webinar.

Why e-globalisation?

As e-globalisation requires a full declaration data set with item details to be provided to customs authorities, the advantage of filing a declaration with a reduced data set has disappeared. The main reason to opt for e-globalisation is that it allows you to receive or remove goods without the need to file a declaration in real time. This means that the goods can move without waiting for a release message from customs, saving you lots of time in the declaration process.

Get more information on this topic on our website and read more about who is impacted, when it is happening and how you can prepare for e-globalisation.




Contact us today for a meeting on how we can help you prepare for e-globalisation.


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